What’s The Pointe?


What’s The Pointe?

All of my students know that I love plays on words and terrible jokes. Sorry, everyone – since taking on the leadership of the studio, I am committed to sharing the joy in bad jokes and puns with as many people as possible.

But seriously. What’s The Pointe? This studio was called Donna’s Dance Place… what’s going on?

We’re so excited about lots of new programs, associations, and opportunities happening here – and decided that (along with the lobby furniture & dressing room) we would give our brand a little update. The great tradition of DDP will continue as PSD – the teachers your student loved in dance class are still here, and we’re still committed first and foremost to providing all of our students with a safe, healthy, and positive experience in dance. That’s The Pointe. A safe, healthy, and positive experience for every student that comes through our doors – for the shy preschooler about to put on tap shoes to the first time, for a competitive dancer who spends most of their evenings at the studio, for the woman taking adult ballet to try something new and have a different kind of workout, for the high schooler who hasn’t danced much before but wants to learn some moves before trying out for show choir… The Pointe is a safe, healthy, and positive place. In the years to come we may update the website, use a new registration system, bring on new staff – but the essence of what DDP was and what The Pointe is now will never change.

Safe, healthy, and positive experiences in dance will always be found in our studio.

That’s why we’re here.

That’s The Pointe.